Would you like to run a SHEP short course in your Organisation ?

Cost to Organisations
If you are an organisation looking to run a SHEP course the current cost for one of SHEP Community Tutors to facilitate a 20 hour course is €800. In addition a mileage allowance will be payable where it is necessary for tutors to travel a 15 mile round trip (or more) from their home. Your organisation will be responsible for providing a suitable venue and any refreshments required.

Number of Participants

Up to sixteen people can be in a group. The group will be facilitated by a tutor who is a trained facilitator with lots of experience in creating a supportive atmosphere and in helping personal learning (Occasionally courses are facilitated by two tutors).

Registered Community Tutors

SHEP’s Community Tutors have completed SHEP’s Foundation Training and Facilitation Training as well as Specialised Practitioner Training for each course they are qualified by SHEP to deliver.

A Code of Ethical Practice for SHEP Tutors guides the delivery of community courses, along with a number of policy documents, which have been developed in recent years with the assistance of SHEP’s Training and Development Advisory Group.

SHEP’s Community Tutor Panel currently includes 69 Registered Community Tutors based throughout Cork, Kerry and Limerick. To view a full list of community tutors – >> Click Here <<

Facilitation Approach
SHEP, 50 years in existence this year has been developing tailor made courses to assist individuals with their mental health and personal well being. The organisation in this time has developed its own unique facilitation approach based on social theory and best practice . Tutors require significant training themselves to facilitate and deliver a short course. For more information on the SHEP facilitation approach >> Click Here <<

Course Range

A full selection of the SHEP short courses available for organisations, schools, corporations and community bodies ect. can be seen on the menu on the right hand side. If you feel the organisation you are involved with could benefit from running a SHEP course inhouse please reach out. For further information please contact the senior training officer – Liam McCarthy – liam.mccarthy@socialandhealth.com