Hello & Welcome to SHEP’s website. We hope you find this website helpful. We are an Irish Community Education and Development Organisation based in Cork. Our main areas of work are; Training and Development, Earth Awareness & Action, Counselling, Advocacy and International Partnership. We were established in 1974 so we are very excited to be celebrating our 50th Anniversary this year.
SHEP continues to facilitate, collaborate and support project work aligned with it own mission and core values. The following projects deliver training and resources in collaboration with SHEP and other supporting organisations.

SHEP Training Programme:-
SHEP offers its own unique comprehensive training programme starting with Short Courses and a Foundation 1 Programme.
See more. >>

SHEP Advocacy Project:-
The SHEP Advocacy Project offers independent advocacy facilitation for groups and training opportunities in advocacy.
See more. >>

Green Spaces for Health:-
SHEP has now joined the Green Spaces for Health Initiative, Green Spaces for Health is a Cork city-wide Eco Social Group, and a community led initiative.
See more. >>
Our mission:In solidarity and partnership with others we seek to foster the well-being of people, families, communities and the wider world and to contribute to building a healthy, loving, socially-just and sustainable way of living.

Join Jim Wilson for a talk on Winter Birds. Thursday February 20 at 7pm, Cork Biodiversity Hub, P31PX67 next to Regional Park
Now is the time to dust down the binoculars and get viewing.
Drop us an email to book a spot, free.
@CorkHealthyCity @RosemarieMcDo17 @SHEP_Ireland
Great article about once beautiful Glasheen R. We wish to help this waterway. How might it be restored to a level where nature can thrive? See link to ecology report at end. @SHEP_Ireland @CorkHealthyCity @corkcitycouncil @sendboyle @echolivecork
Great night at @EnvironForum awards. Congrats to all fellow nominees, and a big thank you to @RobGandola for presenting us with our award and giving us lots of advice on the nite. We are so proud of all our volunteers and all the hard work they put into our green space 💚🌱🥰
Sahakarmi Samaj - Nepal Christmas Raffle 2024 https://www.idonate.ie/raffle/SahakarmiSamajNepalChristmasRaffle2024
One week to go folks, great pizes on offer, get your tickets at the link above. Draw takes place on 16th Dec. on Facebook live stream at 3pm.