SHEP Certificate in Continuing Personal Development
The Continuing Personal Development Course is intended for those who wish to continue with personal development work in a group setting. It is one of the key offerings of our On-going Personal Development Programme. The course aims to enable participants to develop the awareness, life-skills and confidence they need to move forward constructively with their lives. Working at both the personal and interpersonal level, the intention is to support participants to bring the learning out into their lives and relationships.
The course will involve 25 weekly sessions plus 6 weekend days. We normally organise one or two courses per year – usually commencing in the Early Spring. Depending on the year, we offer fully in person, fully on-line or blended options.
The number of participants is usually around fourteen.
Who may apply?
Those applying for the training course should normally have satisfactorily completed the SHEP Foundation Programme which consists of Part 1: SHEP Certificate in Personal Development and Part 2: The SHEP Certificate in Social Awareness and Community Empowerment (or its equivalent).
Those who are seeking ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’ (RPL) in lieu of SHEP training should give details of their equivalent training in their application.
If the demand exceeds places, preference will be given to those who have completed the SHEP Foundation Programme (Parts 1 & 2).
You can apply if you are finishing off other SHEP courses.
NB: You can also apply if you have previously completed SHEP Continuing PD (you can participate in this course a number of times). However, if it is over-subscribed we will give preference to those who have not completed Continuing PD before.
How are places allocated?
Priority will be given to those who have completed the SHEP Foundation Programme (i.e. both Part 1 – the SHEP Certificate in Personal Development and Part 2 – The SHEP Certificate in Social Awareness and Community Empowerment).
The date of receipt of applications will be taken into account (therefore applying early is advantageous) . The quality of the application will also be taken into account (and it is important the applications forms are completed fully).
How is the course structured?
This course is a personal development programme, facilitated to support deep exploration of personal issues. The programme is not a therapy group. It is less structured than the SHEP Certificate in Personal Development, but it still uses structured exercises to support personal learning.
The course usually runs from late February/early March to early December. There is a break over the summer months. In addition to the weekly (2½ -hour) sessions, the course entails participation in 6 day-long workshops.
Indicative Course Elements:
SHEP stresses the importance of tailoring its courses to the specific needs of different participant groups so the programme outlined here would therefore be necessary to modify once the distinct needs of those participating are known. These topics will not be addressed in a pre-structured manner, but as they arise from group participants with exploration of their personal and inter-personal experience, both in the group and in their lives generally.
What is the cost of the course?
The Continuing Personal Development Course fee is €800. This fee is payable before taking up a place. SHEP offers a free payment plan option so that participants who wish to do so, may spread the payments over the duration of the course. In exceptional circumstances, and depending on grant funding, a limited number of bursaries (usually €300) may be available.
Do participants receive a certificate?
A certificate will be awarded to those who complete the course satisfactorily. Except in the most exceptional circumstances, attendance at a minimum of 80% of both the evening sessions and of the workshop sessions will be considered essential for satisfactory completion of the course.
Next Course: February 2025
SHEP Continuing Personal Development – Fully in-person (SHEP Ardfoyle, Cork)
Wednesday evenings (and six weekend days)
February – December 2025
Facilitators: George Wallace and Úna Good
Preference is given to those who have completed the SHEP Foundation Programme (Part 1 & Part 2). You can also apply if you have previously completed the course (i.e. you can participate in this course a number of times.) Those who are seeking ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’ (RPL) in lieu of SHEP training should give details of their equivalent training in their application.
The course is significantly subsidised by SHEP so the price is €800. A free payment plan (paying the fee in instalments) is available. There is no deposit required with the application. Due to the current climate and very tight budget restraints within SHEP, there will be no bursaries offered for this course in 2025.