‘Caring for our Well-being’ for TEACHERS & Education Staff’


This six-day innovative training course is:

  • Designed and offered by the Social and Health Education Project (SHEP) – an Irish non-profit Adult Education Organisation (NGO) with 50 years’ experience of adult education.
  • Open to teachers and education staff working in any EU member country.
  • Designed to be a supportive, enjoyable and nourishing experience
  • Uses experiential learning (including reflective exercises and collaborative discussion) as the primary methodology, (i.e. it is not a ‘taught’ course).
  • Co-facilitated by two very experienced and supportive SHEP Trainers.

For general enquiries please contact – Norma.roche@socialandhealth.com

Course Cost – €600 – including a two-course welcome dinner, six light lunches, and Day 6 outing travel.

Dates – Monday, 8th – Saturday, 13th July 2024 (Including Inter-cultural Well-being Outing on Day 6)
Start & Finish Times: 9.30am-3pm (Monday – Friday)

SHEP is Committed to Erasmus Plus

SHEP is proud to be involved in the EU Erasmus Plus programme and is deeply appreciative of EU support to SHEP and for the support of the Irish National Agency – Leargas. We have clear objectives for our participation in this programme:

  • To further develop our identity and effectiveness as a European Adult Education Project through developing and deepening partnerships with like-minded organisations in the EU

  • To build our capacity in Digital Education so we can continue and improve our online/blended programme thus continuing access to those geographically distant from our usual places of operation.

  • To build our capacity as an general (not specialised) adult education organisation to deliver Environmental Education so we can expand and further develop our current environmental awareness & training.

  • Improving the quality of our teaching and learning in Personal & Community Health & Well-being (with a particular focus on new methodologies and curriculum development)

  • To contribute to our Learners growth as Active European Citizens through supporting their participation in EU transnational learning activities including Erasmus Mobilities and Learning Exchanges.

Jim Sheehan, SHEP’s -Director speaks briefly about SHEP’s realtionship with Leargas and the organisations positive experiences with Erasmus +.

Erasmus KA1 Mobilities for Adult Education

SHEP has been involved in KA1 projects since 2014. Our experience has been very positive and with the support of Leargas we have been able to send over 30 of our adult education personnel on training mobilities to Europe in this time. We recently initiated a consortium of Cork based organisations involved in Adult Education to access KA1 supports.

Erasmus KA2  Strategic Partnership (2018-21)

The first KA2 Strategic Partnership SHEP was involved in was EXPROM Exchange of Practice on Outreach and Motivation for the Empowerment and Social Inclusion of Adults. There were five partners: Educa International (Czech Republic) which was the Project Coordinator; Ljudska univerza Radovljica (Slovenia); Centro Publico de Educacin de Personas Adultas Miguel Hernández (Spain); University of Vaasa (Finland) and SHEP. This was a very successful strategic partnership and concluded in 2021.

 Erasmus KA2  Strategic Partnership (2021-23)

We are the currently the coordinator for a new KA2 strategic partnership called: Storytelling Project called One voice, many stories: Storytelling as a vehicle for Social Inclusion and Active Citizenship. Five countries are involved: Ireland, Latvia, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden. Our Storytelling partners are:

PROACADEMY, Slovakia; Suiti Cultural Heritage Foundation, Latvia; Centro de Educacin de Adultos Garca Alix, Spain; Storytelling Network of Kronoberg, Sweden.

Some Memories :-