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The Social and Health Education Project Cork Short (8 week) Community Education Courses

January to April 2025 - Online Application Form

The SHEP programme of short Community Education course for Health & Wellbeing usually runs around 70-80 courses each year spread across counties Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Clare and Tipperary.

The courses are usually organised by SHEP along with community group partners and funding from organisations like Cork ETB, Kerry ETB, Healthy Ireland
They are held in local community venues
They are usually 20-hours long and facilitated over 8 weekly sessions of 2.5 hours.
They involve Experiential learning in groups of between 12-16 people and are facilitated by an experienced SHEP trained tutor/s
They are at No-charge to participants and there are On-line or In-person options

The application options below, relate to the up-coming Cork area courses please view the county tabs in the short courses section of the website for information on applying for courses in other geographic areas.

  • Where a course is over-subscribed, we give weighting to a number of factors, details of which are available on the website or by phone. Applicants will be contacted a week in advance of the commencement date with offers of places
  • On-line courses will have 14-16 participants max, and use Zoom. Guidelines to all participants on accessing and using Zoom will be given prior to course commencement – individual support is also available.
  • Applicants need to be age 18 years or over. Where an applicant, or the Project wish to check out readiness to participate on a particular course, the co-ordinator will arrange to talk this through and maybe meet the person
  • Please read info overleaf on how we use personal data prior to signing application. All above course tutor hours are CETB funded. Once course commences, a registration form will also be asked to be completed

SHEP asks only for the minimum information from course applicants, sufficient enough to process applications and course participations. You have rights in relation to your own personal information used by SHEP, including right to object to processing and right of access to your own personal information. We genuinely encourage you, if you have any queries or concerns about how your personal data will used or stored, to talk with SHEP training staff on 021 4666180 or email us at info@socialandhealth.com. SHEP’s purposes for gathering information are:

  • To contact you about your application;
  • To follow up with you after the application is received and administer your application as required;
  • To manage course processes (including commencement, completion, progressions, course payments where relevant, course evaluations, project statistical reporting);
  • To maintain your participant training record (including personal & course details)
  • To share information with course facilitators, organisations involved collaboratively in courses, or where there is a fee funding support being sought. Only necessary information is shared and SHEP will be transparent with you.
  • Where information is to be disclosed beyond the purpose above, specific additional consent will be sought from you

Participant information is stored on secure, protected cloud based and in-house specialised training and education database. Hard copy information is stored in secured cabinets. Information is only accessed for the above purposes and only accessed by authorised SHEP training, administration and accounts staff. As an applicant for one of SHEP’s courses, we ask that you read and understand the above data protection statement and application form carefully.

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