SHEP Trainers
SHEP’s core training is delivered with the support of a large panel of Trainers. The panel comprises those who have been selected by the Project to provide training services for SHEP’s Core Training Programme, including both Foundation courses, the SHEP Certificate in Facilitation, SHEP’s Practitioner Training courses, and any accredited training offered by the Project including the Diploma in Social and Psychological Health Studies.
A Code of Ethical Practice for SHEP Trainers guides the delivery of training in SHEP, along with a number of policy documents which have been developed in recent years with the assistance of the Projects Training and Development Advisory Group.
The Panel includes trainers who may not be currently available for work. Retired members of the panel remain invited to participate in the SHEP Trainers’ Forum.
- Claire Barry Trained in social and health education and group-work with SHEP and has extensive experience of running community courses in family communication, self-esteem, assertive communication and women’s health. She trained in awareness therapy with the Irish School of Awareness Therapy and is an accredited member of IAHIP. She works as a psychotherapist and supervisor.
- Beatrice Barry Murphy worked for many years in the South East as a Senior Health Promotion officer with responsibility for SPHE training, and was joint course leader of WIT’s H. Dip in SPHE. Â She trained in Gestalt Psychotherapy with the Irish Gestalt Centre and is an accredited member of IACP.
- Una Bennett Worked for many years as a nurse. She trained with SHEP and then as a therapist with the Irish Gestalt Centre. She is an accredited member of IACP.
- Noel Bradley D.D., M.A.Has had wide experience of personal and community development work in Africa and in Ireland. He is a Training for Transformation facilitator. He is also a trained spiritual director and life coach and also works with The Transformation Game process and the Frameworks for Change process.
- Jessie Bowen Dip. (SPHS), H.Dip. (SPHE) trained in social and health education and group work with SHEP. Prior to joining SHEP, she lived abroad and worked in the areas of health, education, language and tourism. She holds a diploma in Social and Psychological Health Studies from UCC, a higher certificate in arts in Counselling Skills from CIT and a postgraduate higher diploma in arts in Social, Personal and Health Education from WIT. She is a SHEP Community Tutor in Growing Still (facilitating the well-being and empowerment of older adults) and a SHEP Trainer on the QQI Level 6 Introduction to Advocacy Course. Jessie also works as an advocate with SHEP’s Cork Advocacy Service.
- Albie Browne Trained in social and health education and group-work with SHEP and in Gestalt Therapy with the Irish Gestalt Centre.
- Kathleen Browne Trained in group-work and facilitation with SHEP and in psychotherapy with the Irish School of Awareness Therapy and the Irish Gestalt Centre.
- Nuala Burke Trained with SHEP before training as a therapist with the Irish Gestalt Centre. She is accredited with IACT. Nuala now works as SHEP’s Coisceim Referral Officer (p/t
- Helen Casey trained with SHEP in social and health education and group-work. She also undertook specialised tutor training in Personal Development and Supporting Family Relationships. She holds a Diploma in Applied Social Studies in Counselling from CIT, as well as a Diploma in Psychotherapy from the Flatstone Institute. She is an accredited member of the IACP.
- Fiona Clothier trained in psychotherapy with the Irish Gestalt Centre. She trained in group-work with SHEP, and is an accredited member of IAHIP. Â She works as a psychotherapist and group facilitator in Limerick.
- Rosarie Coleman trained in social and health education and group-work, personal development, women’s health and wellbeing, assertive communication and family communication with SHEP. She trained as a psychotherapist with the Irish School of Awareness Therapy and also trained in Family Systems Therapy with the Hellinger Institute of Ireland. She is an accredited member of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy. She currently practises as a therapist, a group trainer and facilitator and has a lot of experience as a Community Health Worker.
- Terry Coleman trained in group-work and facilitation, Lifewise, assertive communication, family communication and men’s health with SHEP. Since 1990, he has worked locally, nationally and internationally as a Training for Transformation facilitator with Partners. He trained in Counselling, Psychotherapy and Personal Development and has a Diploma in Psychotherapy from the Flatstone Institute. He trained in Family Systems Therapy with the Hellinger Institute of Ireland. He is an accredited member of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy and practises as a psychotherapist and group facilitator.
- Freda Creedon has a background in nursing. She trained in social and health education and group-work with SHEP and as a Gestalt therapist with the Irish Gestalt Centre. She is currently working as a psychotherapist.
- Marian Crowley trained in social and health education and group-work with SHEP and in therapy with the Irish School of Awareness Therapy. She is an accredited member and supervisor with the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy and is registered with the European Council for Psychotherapy. She has trained in family systems therapy with the Hellinger Institute of Ireland. She currently practises as a therapist, group trainer and facilitator. She is a student in the Diamond Approach.
- Rose Crowley M.A., C.N.S. works part-time as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in General Practice.  She has worked for many years as a group facilitator and in recent years as a trainer with the Social and Health Education Project and the Cork Counselling Centre.  She has a special interest in trauma  and has trained in Mindfulness-based Somatic Experiencing and in EMDR therapy.  She holds an M.A. in Integrative Psychotherapy from C.I.T. and is accredited with I.A.C.P since 2005.
- Frances Day B.Ed., M.A. (Hons) worked for many years as a secondary teacher and is currently working as a chaplain and counsellor in school and in private practice. She has worked in many areas of counselling and facilitation. Having trained as a therapist and supervisor with the Irish Gestalt Centre, she later did a Masters in Pastoral Counselling in Loyola University, Chicago, USA.
- Anne Dempsey trained in group-work with SHEP and in psychotherapy with the Irish Gestalt Centre. She is an accredited member of IACP and works as a psychotherapist
- Paul Doherty MA, MPhil, PhD, RGN trained in social anthropology and general nursing. He then worked in health education and community development, both in Ireland and overseas. Between 2003 and 2008 he was Director (Policy Development) and then Director of SHEP, and between 2009 and 2010 he was responsible for SHEPs internatioinal partnership programme. He currently works as an independent organisational development facilitator. He is a certified mediator with the Mediation Institute of Ireland.
- Frank Dorr M.A. worked for some years as a primary teacher. He then lectured in philosophy at UCC. He was a volunteer with SHEP from 1981 to 1986 and Director from 1986 to 2004. He trained in Gestalt Therapy and Integrative Psychotherapy and is an accredited member of IAHIP. He has published a number of articles on health education and co-authored a number of handbooks of experiential learning materials which have been published by the Project . He is also the author of Facilitating Personal Development and Group Action Aims and Objectives published in 2011.
- Patricia Dwyer works as a social worker with the Health Service Executive. She trained in social and health education with SHEP and is a qualified counsellor.
- Aine Finn M.A., B.A., H.Dip. Ed., D.G.C. works as a guidance counsellor at post-primary level. She has trained in group work and facilitation, family communication, bullying awareness and intercultural awareness with SHEP. She has worked for many years with the Cork Domestic Violence Project. She completed the M.A. in Integrative Psychotherapy and she works part-time in private practice.
- Fergus Finucane trained in psychotherapy with the Flatstone Institute and in group-work with SHEP. He is based in Limerick and maintains a private practice there. He is an accredited member of IAHIP.
- Aileen Fitzgerald worked for many years as a teacher and guidance counsellor and has a strong interest in experiential learning and personal development, having worked with the Dept. of Education and Science as a teacher trainer in Social, Personal and Health Education. Having trained in group-work and facilitation with SHEP, she qualified as a Gestalt psychotherapist in U.C.C. before doing her Masters Degree in Education with the University of Hull, specialising in facilitation and group-work training. A Gestalt psychotherapist, she is an accredited member and supervisor with IACP, working in private practice. Aileen supervises individuals and groups as part of her private practice.
- Patricia Good R.G.N., S.C.M. worked for many years as a nurse and now works in Health Promotion with the Health Service Executive. She trained in social and health education with SHEP and in therapy with the Irish School of Awareness Therapy.
- Una Good trained in facilitation and undertook specialised tutor training with SHEP. She has completed a post-graduate diploma in Integrative Psychotherapy, works as a psychotherapist and is a fully accredited member of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy.
- Tina Horan B.A. (Psych.)Â has worked as a choreographer and teacher of movement for over thirty years. Â Tina has been a Body Awareness trainer on SHEP’s Certificate in Personal Development course for several years.
- Bernie Jeffery is an accredited member of I.A.C.P. Her background is in General Nursing and Midwifery. She also trained in Therapeutic Massage to practitioner level. Bernie works with individuals in her private practice and also with individuals and groups through her work in SHEP. She has, for several years, co-facilitated meditation courses in Rigpa Cork and works on the Spiritual Care Programme in Dzogchen Beara.
- Breda Kearney trained in group-work with SHEP, and has extensive experience in working with community groups in Kerry. Â She trained in psychotherapy with the Irish School of Awareness Therapy, and is an accredited member of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy.
- Mary Kelleher trained in group-work with SHEP. She also trained in psychotherapy with the Irish Gestalt Centre. She is an accredited member of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy.
- Ben Kimmerling was a teacher of home-economics before becoming a freelance group-facilitator and a Training for Transformation field-worker with Partners. She is a writer in the area of feminism and theology.
- Eliz Langford trained with SHEP in group-work and group-facilitation. She qualified as a psychotherapist with the Flatstone Institute and is an accredited member of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy. She undertook further training with the Hellinger Institute of Ireland.
- Deirdre Lillis BA Social Science, RNLD (Registered Nurse, Intellectual Disabilities), DipSW (Diploma in Social Work) has worked as Senior Advocate with the National Advocacy Service, as professional advocate with Mind in the UK, SHINE (previously Schizophrenia Ireland) in Cork, and is currently working with SHEP’s Cork Advocacy Service.
- Sean Long trained in group-work with SHEP and in psychotherapy with the Irish School of Awareness Therapy and the Irish Gestalt Centre. He works as a psychotherapist in Cork.
- Eileen Lynch S.R.N., S.C.M., B.A. (Psych) worked for a number of years as a nurse in Ireland, England and Germany and went on to train as a psychologist. She worked with the Project as Education and Training Officer from 1986 to 2005, (and prior to that with The Social and Health Education Programme of Ogra Chorcaigh). She holds Diplomas in Gestalt Therapy and Integrative Psychotherapy and is an accredited member of IAHIP. She co-authored a number of handbooks of experiential learning materials which have been published by the Project.
- Albert McCarthy trained in group-work with SHEP and in psychotherapy with the Flatstone Institute. He holds a Higher Diploma in Integrative Psychotherapy from U.C.C. He recently completed a Diploma in Clinical Supervision and is an accredited member of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy. He has a particular interest in working with men’s groups.
- Liam McCarthy BE, Dip Counselling, HDip Social Policy, MSW is a Senior Training and Development Officer with SHEP. He worked for many years as an engineer and manager with Eircom. He trained in humanistic, integrative counselling and social policy and completed professional training in social work. He also undertook advanced training in group facilitation and addiction counselling. From his experience in the corporate and voluntary sectors, he brings a range of skills in organisational analysis and development.
- Pat McCarthy SRN, SCM, HDip Psych is SHEP’s Low-Cost Counselling Programme Coordinator Pat worked as a nurse, as Assistant Manager in the Refugee Reception Centre in Crosshaven and as School Counsellor with the Youth Encounter Project. She trained in group-work, Women’s Health and Wellbeing, Assertive Communication and Family Communication with The Social and Health Education Project. She is a SHEP Trainer and was a part-time group trainer in CIT. She has a Higher Diploma in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy from UCC and a Diploma in Integrative Psychotherapy from the Institute of Integrative Psychotherapy (Turning Point) in Dublin. She is an accredited member of The Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy and of the Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.
- Dolores McCashin B.Rel.Ed., DGC. trained in social and health education and group-work with SHEP and in psychotherapy with the Irish School of Awareness Therapy. She worked for many years as a guidance counsellor, psychotherapist and as a part-time trainer both in SHEP and CIT. Dolores is currently employed as a Coisceim staff-member with SHEP.  She also has a small private practice in Cork and is an accredited member of IAHIP.
- Kevin McCaughey has worked for a number of years in community development and has particular experience of justice-oriented work with the Traveller community. He served as Coordinator of West Cork Traveller Centre and worked with the Traveller Visibility Group. Kevin completed the UCC Masters programme in Group Facilitation. He is a member of the course teams for SHEP’s Organisational Development Facilitation training programme and for SHEP’s UCC Diploma in Social and Psychological Health Studies.
- Anita McNamara is an experienced group-worker and supervisor whose initial training in facilitation was with SHEP. She works for Limerick Drugs Task Force as a development worker, and also facilitates on the UL Diploma in Drug and Alcohol Studies course. She has a Diploma in Psychotherapy from the Tivoli Institute.
- Mary Mangan BA, HDE, DCG, MCoun is a Senior Training and Development Officer with SHEP. Mary worked as a teacher, guidance counsellor, psychotherapist, group-worker and trainer before joining the staff of SHEP in 2005. Â She trained in group-work with SHEP, in Gestalt therapy and in Awareness Therapy, and also completed Advanced Training in group-work with Paul Rebillots School of Gestalt and Experiential Teaching. Â She trained in supervision at Metanoia Institute and is an accredited member of IAHIP.
- Julie Murphy served for seven years as Coordinator of Ballyphehane/Togher CDP and now works as Coordinator of Westgate. She completed a range of courses with SHEP and also undertook a generic mediation skills course with the Mediators Institute of Ireland. She holds a B.A.(Hons) degree in Philosophy and Sociology from UCC, an M.A. in Philosophy, and a Certificate in Equality Studies from UCD. She has worked as an independent community/organisational development consultant and as a lecturer in adult education at UCC and in community education at CIT. She is a member of the course team for the Projects Organisational Development Facilitation training programme.
- Margaret Murphy completed extensive tutor training with SHEP and is also an accredited member of the Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy, working in private practice in Cork.
- Claire Murray worked for many years as a guidance counsellor. She now works as a therapist and supervisor, and as a trainer of therapists in the Flatstone Institute, which she co-founded. She trained with the Irish Gestalt Centre, with the Institute of Integrative Psychotherapy and with Paul Rebillot.
- Brendan O Brien B.A., H.D.E., B.A. Couns. is a trained facilitator and accredited integrative therapist. He trained in Family and Organisational Systems for three years at the Hellinger Institute of Britain and in Systemic Therapy in Bristol. He is a member of the International Systemic Constellations Association. He has worked for many years with troubled young people and with families.
- Eileen O Brien completed a number of SHEP tutor training programmes from 1990-1997 and worked as a tutor/facilitator in a variety of areas over 15 years. She subsequently completed a B.A. in Counselling and Integrative Psychotherapy in CIT. She also undertook a three-year training in Family Systems based on the work of Bert Hellinger and a training in Reality Therapy with the Glasser Institute of Ireland. For a number of years she worked in the training of counsellors at CIT. She is a former Director of Churchfield Community Trust, a community- based project for young men in recovery from addiction.
- Margaret O Brien works as a psychotherapist and group facilitator in Limerick. She trained in group-work with SHEP and holds a Diploma in Psychodynamic and Integrated Psychotherapy. She has also completed training in addiction studies and supervision.
- Geraldine O Connell trained in social and health education and group work with SHEP. She holds a Diploma in Social and Personal Health Psychology and a B.A. (Hons) in Counselling and Psychotherapy. She is a trainer on SHEP’s Certificate in Social Awareness & Community Empowerment course and an experienced tutor in Assertive Communication and Caring for Our Well-being. She has a background in drama and is a tutor in dance and movement with various community groups
- Marie O’Connor trained in group-work with SHEP and has a M.A. in Counselling and Psychotherapy from U.L.
- John O Leary trained in social and health education and as a tutor in Assertive Communication and Family Communication with SHEP. He also trained in integrative psychotherapy with the Flatstone Institute and completed the H.Dip. in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy at UCC. He is an accredited member of IAHIP. He practises as a therapist in Cork.
- Ann O Mahony trained in social and health education, group-work, family communication and assertive communication with SHEP and in psychotherapy with the Flatstone Institute. She is an accredited member of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy.
- John O’ Mahony trained in social and health education with SHEP, undertaking courses in group-work, family communication, assertive communication, personal development and stress management. He has worked as a Community Tutor, especially with men’s groups. He trained as a therapist with the Irish School of Awareness Therapy and is an accredited member of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy.
- Kay O Mahony works as both a trainer and as a community tutor with SHEP in the area of Grief, Loss and Change and as a psychotherapist with the Irish School of Awareness Therapy. She practises as a psychotherapist and works in a voluntary capacity in family support work in Cork.
- Biddy O’Neill has worked in Health Promotion for almost thirty years at both strategic and operational levels within the Health Service Executive and the Department of Health. She has a background in Nursing and Addiction Counselling and holds an MA in Health Promotion from NUIGÂ and in 2021Â was awarded an MA in Advanced Facilitation Skills for Promoting Health and Wellbeing from WIT. Her keen interest in personal development has underpinned her work over the years and she is passionate about the importance of this in the workplace in the context of workplace wellbeing.
- Deirdre O Sullivan B.A. (Couns. and Psych.) trained in group-work with SHEP. She also trained in counselling and psychotherapy at C.I.T. and completed the Child Psychotherapy Certificate course at Eileen Prendivilles Child Therapy Centre. She has a background as a clinical nurse specialist in early intervention and is a trained holistic therapist. She is also currently working as SHEPs Training and Development Officer (part-time) with responsibility for the training programme in Kerry.
- Jim Sheehan BRelSc, MSc (Management of Non-governmental Organisations) joined The Social and Health Education Project as Director in May 2009. Prior to joining SHEP he managed a Community Partnership where the focus of the work was on promoting inclusion through equality, advocacy and community development initiatives. He has also worked with Concern in Somalia, Uganda and Cambodia and as a secondary school teacher. His areas of interest are social inclusion, community development, and voluntary sector management.
- Maureen Sheehy has spent many years working in communications and community development in both Africa and Ireland. She is a Training for Transformation facilitator with Partners.
- Anna Slattery trained in group-work, family communication, personal development and assertive communication with SHEP. She also completed the Diploma in Integrative and Humanistic Psychotherapy with the Flatstone Institute. She is an accredited member of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy, as well as an accredited family mediator with the Mediation Institute of Ireland.
- George Wallace trained in social and health education and group-work with SHEP and as a Gestalt Therapist with the Irish Gestalt Centre. He is a Family Systems facilitator and an accredited supervisor with IAHIP. He has been working with the Hunter Beaumont Development Group since 2001. He has been a tutor in CIT since 2000.
- The following Trainers facilitate modules on the SHEP Certificate in Personal Development Course:
- Jacqueline Kelleher, Anne Kelly, Marie Connor, Meg O Gorman, Carmel Brosnan, Cait Collins, Sheila Fitzgerald, Patsy Hannan, Tina Horan, Breda Kearney, Clair Lalor, Colette Leask, Theresa Lynch, Clodagh McAuliffe, Mary O Connell, Lorna Rice-Davis, Alice Foley Tague.
Registered SHEP Community Tutors (2018-2020)
Updated May 2019
- Sylvia Barry
- Margaret Bray
- Josephine Byrnes
- Philomena Carroll
- Francis Cooley
- Lucia Cooley
- Nuala Connor
- Teresa Connolly
- Aoife Corcoran
- Karen Corcoran
- Anne Costelloe
- Elizabeth Cronin
- Valerie Cronin
- Mary Cunningham
- Marian Deasey
- Eileen Dervin
- Mary Dillon
- Kim Julie Eliott
- Elizabeth Ewing
- Geraldine Finnegan
- Sheila Fitzgerald
- Geraldine Flanagan
- Una Furey
- Katherine Gallagher
- Patsy Hannan
- Christina Healy
- Abigail Joffe
- Mary Kavanagh
- Paudie Kelly
- Noreen Kelly
- Clair Lalor
- John Lane
- Noreen Leahy
- Colette Leask
- Margaret Link
- Margaret Liston
- Marie Lucey
- Clodagh McAuliffe
- Albert McCarthy
- Liz McCarthy
- Nuala McDonnell
- Barry Morley
- Fintan Murphy
- Mary Murphy
- Bernadette Nolan
- Norma O’Brien
- Siobhan O’Brien
- Geraldine O’Connell
- Denis O’Connor
- Marie O’Connor
- Mary O’Connor
- Sinead Mary O’Connor
- Sile O’Connor
- Siobhan O’Connor
- Margaret O’Connor (Kerry)
- Kay O’Mahony
- Rebecca O’Mahony
- Nessa O’Reilly
- Deirdre O’Sullivan
- Mary O’Sullivan
- Teresa O’Sullivan
- Terri O’Sullivan
- Nic Pease
- Lorna Rice-Davis
- Norma Roche
- Kathleen Rohan
- Mary Ryan (Ballygarvan)
- Pat Sheehan Corbett
- Colm Walsh
- Margaret Whelan
- Elizabeth Williams