Two main types of SHEP Tutor Training

SHEP Tutor Training courses are advanced courses and are not offered every year.

There are two main types of SHEP Tutor Training course: SHEP Specialised Tutor Training Courses (which have particular themes) and ii) the SHEP Integrated Tutor Training Course. It is possible to start Tutor Training with SHEP with either type of course.

For further information on The integrated Tutor Training Course in SHEP please visit our website:

  • Specialised Tutor Training

Specialised Tutor Training courses are advanced SHEP courses and are not offered every year.

The choice of Specialised Tutor Training course offered by SHEP depends on a number of factors including prevalence of specific needs in the community, the requirements of community course organisers and the interests of prospective community tutors.

The Specialised Tutor Training Courses offered by SHEP cover the information content appropriate to different types of community course, along with the required skills for course delivery. Many people who complete tutor training with SHEP continue to the SHEP Tutor Apprenticeship programme and subsequently register as a community tutor with the Project. Through this pathway they join the SHEP community of group facilitators and area available to work with groups (in their specialised area) on SHEPs Community Education for Health and Well-being Programme.

Some recent Specialised Tutor Training Courses

  • Caring for Our Well-being
  • Family Communication – Supporting Family Relationships
  • Health, Wellbeing and Empowerment for Older People
  • Coping with Grief, Loss and Change In Life


Who can apply?

Normally, completion of the SHEP Certificate in Facilitation Course (or its equivalent) will be considered an entry requirement for any of the Practitioner Training Courses. However, we will also consider applicants on the basis of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Places on these courses are limited and participants will be interviewed prior to selection. In allocating places, consideration will be given to trainer-assessments (for Graduates of SHEP Certificate in Facilitation).

In addition to course work, those who complete a tutor training course and who wish to register as a community tutor with SHEP undertake a supervised apprenticeship in which each trainee co-facilitates a community course with an experienced community tutor.

Aim of the Programme

Specialised Tutor Training Courses provide participants with an opportunity for the further development of their facilitation skills, as well as of the skills specific to the design and delivery of community education courses.

The aim of the courses is to build the capacity of participants to design and safely deliver effective entry-level training courses in social and health education in community settings. At the same time as developing their theoretical understanding, participants are expected to be prepared to explore and work on personal issues related to the topic-area of the specific course they are undertaking.

How are the courses structured?

The courses are run in groups of c. 16 participants, working with two regular trainers. Specialised Tutor Training Courses generally involve around 100 hours of group-work, spread over weekly sessions of two and a half hours, day long or weekend workshops. Participants also spend additional time in small learning groups.

What approach is used in training?

A variety of training methodologies are used in the delivery of the Specialised Tutor Training Courses, including formal teaching, practice sessions and structured project assignments.

Some written work is generally required of participants undertaking these courses. They are required to prepare and present short inputs on relevant material. They must also design, write-up and facilitate experiential learning sessions, and also design a community course for a particular target group. Participants are asked to record their learning during the course in a personal learning journal. While this journal is private, at the end of the course participants are required to present to the trainers a Learning Progress Report in which they give an account of their major learnings.

Is there assessment?

Participants on all Social and Health Education Project training courses are encouraged to reflect on their experience and learning and this emphasis continues in the Specialised Tutor Training courses. On-going self-, peer- and trainer-assessment takes place during the courses.

Towards the end of the course-work there is a process of self-assessment and trainer assessment of each participants readiness to apply for the SHEP Apprenticeship programme, if this is something the participant wishes to do.

Do participants receive a certificate?

A certificate will be awarded to those who complete the course satisfactorily. A high level of commitment and of attendance is expected from participants. Except in the most exceptional circumstances attendance at a minimum of 80% of both the evening sessions and of the workshop sessions will be considered essential for satisfactory completion of the course.

It is important to note that SHEP’s Tutor Training courses are experiential, non-formal courses. They are certified by SHEP. They are not part of the National Framework of Qualifications.

Working as a Community Tutor

Those who successfully complete both i) at least one SHEP Tutor training course and ii) the SHEP Apprenticeship Programme become eligible to register as Community Tutors with The Social and Health Education Project and to facilitate (or co-facilitate) courses in that topic area on SHEP’s ‘Community Education for Health and Well-being Programme’.

Some SHEP tutors also work in the Community Education sector through the ETBs. For most ETBs, completion of a SHEP course in itself will not be sufficient to register as a Tutor with the ETB.

Further Information

For further information on tutor training, contact The Social and Health Education Project, Ardfoyle Avenue, Ballintemple, Cork.Phone: (021)-466 6180
Email queries to or the course co-ordinator

Next Course:

• 2025 ‘Women’s Wellbeing Across the Lifecycle’ course

This course will run on Tuesday nights from 25th March 2025 to 25th November 2025.  It will involve 23 weekly evening sessions, each lasting two and a half hours, and ten workshops (Saturday and Sunday, 10am to 5pm).

>>CLICK HERE for Schedule of Dates for Womens Wellbeing STT 2025

> CLICK HERE – Application-Form-SHEP-Womens-Wellbeing-Across-the-life-cycle<<

>> CLICK HERE – Poster-Womens-Wellbeing-Across-the-life-Cycle-Specialised-TutorTraining <<

>> CLICK HERE – Information-Sheet-Specialised-Tutor-Training-Womens-Wellbeing-accross-the-life-cycle <<

• 2026 ‘Integrated Specialised Tutor Training’ course